Saturday, March 31, 2012

digital love and a zippered mouth...

Part of the reason my posts have been so few and far between is, well, I have been working on a new direction. A new way of living - for me, my kids and my work. It's been remarkably busy as I cross off all the to-do's and should do's, as well as being back at school (online) and working full time AND freelancing... and I still can say nothing just yet.

BUT, wheels are turning. Items are getting checked off all over the place, and life as we currently know it in our household will be changing for the better very soon (hopefully). That's all I'm going to say - cause I can keep secrets when I need to.

I've also been exploring the tablet and working digitally - and I am STILL loving it.  Pictured first is a rough of my son for a dummy I am working on - the rest - explained below - all digital.

IN that spirit, I present some characters that will appear in the Loyalist College Serious Summer FUn Camps brochure - the BEST part of my job, and the one I look forward to every year... I get pretty much free reign and to have fun within the corporate/educational context... so I introduce Platypus and Penguin... and the RAT. A SLIGHTLY graphic listing of courses for the kids this summer (seen above).

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