Saturday, September 18, 2010

Big Boy party and a Village of friends...

We mulled over the idea of a big boy birthday for Mo this year - you know the kind - where the parents drop off the kids, the kids go wild for a few hours and then get picked up.

The mull was short.

Thing is where we live, for one, is prohibitive. And well, we also really like his friends parents too. Most importantly, so does Mo. It is amazing when you have friends that you know are looking out for your kids if you can't for a second, hour or even a day. It is even more amazing when all these people are in the same place. He would be devastated if we had said no other mommas and poppas.

I looked around this afternoon at one point to see Mo and his buddy playing chess in the grass with one of the daddies, while I lay in the grass with Zaley and another momma and got tickles from little Glenny.

Almost all the moms got to enjoy a glass of wine sans kids - while the dads played outside.

I can't help but think of the old adage that it takes a village to raise a child. And in the age where this is no longer the norm - we have it. It is amazing.

Oh yeah - we also had a monster truck drop by for a visit. Check out

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