Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Edible Garden

I love this time of year - especially when we have had piles of rain. Things are so lush and green, the zucchini are already monstrous, tomatoes are turning a gorgeous shade of red, carrots are getting there and I've already had a fresh cob of corn right out of the garden. You can bet next year we are planting a whole lot more of that.

Starting to figure out what I need to do to start promoting my book, not sure yet where my publisher will go with it, or what I need to do. Looking for a location to have a show/launch etc. I'm not good at all that stuff so I end getting tongue tied and sweaty... and over-explain too fast and I fear come across less than professionally. But I do like visiting with kids, I am okay with them : )

Also trying to get together a new mailing, and finding some new clients. I've been so focussed on my books, that I kind of dropped out of the race for a bit and I think I am paying for it now!

So, off I go - work, work and work some more!

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