Monday, March 25, 2013

Digital just keeps getting better...

Here is my first piece created in procreate... What an amazing app... Mre to come soon. Love love love having a digital studio right in my lap like this.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Royal Baby to see my pictures!!

So, I am not much of a Royal watcher, however I think it is incredibly cool that several (maybe all) of the books I've illustrated for Red Robin Books were presented to the Duchess of Cornwall to read to her grandchild. Neil Griffiths, the author visited Wiltshire Scrapstore and Resource Centre and a stack of bookish gifts were given.

tp 41633 Scrapstore Royal Visit
Pic 47 Duchess of Cornwall takes a close look at the gift for the royal birth
Pics Trevor Porter 41633 12th Feb 13
— at Wiltshire Scrapstore & Resource Centre.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Ideas, ideas ideas..

I wonder why it is, when you are the most busy, ideas flow. Teaching is fantastic, and time consuming, and fantastic, but I am a rookie and I am learning rapidly how to maximize my efficiency. How official does that sound?

Right now I am working on a few stories, this piece is a rough study for a dummy I am putting together... Developing the idea on the iPad, it is great fun and is allowing a free expression style I've been desiring.

Three more weeks and many of my students will be off on placement and I will have more time than I need to develop this stuff, and attend to some other projects as well.

We are also finishing up the maquette's in my classes, here is one of mine, with paint starting to go on. The next step is a 3D capture and then, who knows?