Sunday, March 21, 2010

Life as 4...

Wow, what a whirlwind we are in.. nobody ever tells you how busy it gets with two kids! It is wonderful and amazing, a four year-old that NEVER (i mean never) stops... between morning and bedtime it is go, go, go. And baby Azalea, no real schedule yet, but seems to be figuring out her days and nights now. Managing to keep up the level of parenting for MO, the books, the love, the snuggles - is hard, but so worth it. They are awesome kids. I am looking forward to him going to school this week though, some time to nap, clean my house and be with Zaley. I also have some work I need to attend to - which has been impossible to get to with everyone home.

Looking forward to working on some of my book projects again... it feels like it has been too long (really only 2 months) but I feel a creative burst coming on, so I must take advantage of it!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

And here she is...

Little Azalea and big brother Mo, checking to see she has all her fingers and toes - for now - that is as close as he wants to get.

Still just checking things out...

the little pork chop...

Welcome to the world baby girl. She came in like a wildfire - and together we had a successful VBAC, au - naturel. Love this baby, can't wait to get her home.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Welcome to the World Baby Girl!

Our newest addition, Azalea, was born at 4:20 am on March first... like a hurricane - weighing in at 10lb 1oz.

More details later!