Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Brain Cells firing again.... I think.

It has been 5 weeks.

Our baby girl is growing like a weed, it is amazing, every single day is a new adventure. I could spend all my waking hours watching her... but I can't. Mo needs me too. Life is crazy and hectic and lovely all at the same time. We are settling into a groove, Mo is an awesome big brother, and Shawn is incredible. The second time around is really neat. There is so much less stress, expectation and anxiety... for both of us. It just is, and it is SO REFRESHING. Of course there are the usual worries that come along with parenting, but for me, I feel prepared for them this time.

I have also come to realize that after I had Mo, I was depressed. Very. I had a tramatic and scary and out of control birth with him, and it affected me much more than I realized. And now, after my medication - free VBAC, I feel great. Powerful. Strong. Like the woman I know I am. It is wonderful. Special thanks go out to Shawn, my partner with eight arms, my midwives, and the nurses at KGH.

And now, I feel like working again. Not the fever pitch I was in in January, but I do finally feel like painting and working on some of my projects. I do have to understand though, that my time is limited, much more now than it was - and just take it easy. AND, to only say yes to jobs I am really excited about... so, let's see where it all goes.

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